The title of this blog post is the title of my hook lesson that I have created for my group's UbD unit plan. I am extremely excited about this 5th grade lesson plan because it is an interactive lesson that makes great use of a Web 2.0 tool. The overall goal for this lesson is to spark student interest in government. In order to achieve this objective, this lesson plan transforms a classroom into an airplane flying to the capitol of the United States and the capitol of North Carolina--thanks to Google Earth. Through this extremely neat online resource, the teacher is able to guide the students to buildings in each city that house the different branches of government. The rationale behind this lesson is that students will be able to visualize where our three branches of government function both locally and nationally. This lesson allows students to be able to see places that they might not normally get to see from a super neat street level view.
And the coolest part of this lesson is made possible by Google Earth. When the teacher reaches the White House, the last stop on the trip, you are actually able to go INSIDE the White House to show the students a virtual tour.
In order to get inside the white house, click on the yellow man seen in the right side of the screen. Then drag him inside the White House and release. You should now be looking at a picture similar to this:
I randomly stumbled upon this virtual tour, and it astonished me. I hope I will get a similar reaction from my students during this lesson!
Great way to hook the students in and ready to learn more! It's also a good one to return to at some point in your unit once students have gained more knowledge. They may also like to have time to explore the virtual tour or Google Earth on their own time. You may want to include a graphic organizer to help them take notes if needed.